Stevie Ray must have
wrote "couldn't stand the weather" on his
summer Tokyo tour.. damn it's sweltering - concrete
melting - HOT out there folks! Just a quick update with a
few funnies saved over the last while to drop below
here. I've been usually busy hanging out at cool places
underground with interesting people you might not bring
home for turkey dinner.. unless you do thanksgiving at
Jolly Pasta which
btw seems to have a somewhat confusing
smoking policy in place, depending on which room you're
in..?!? Otherwise, we've been pretty much keeping out of
trouble here with our "eyes on the road & hands on the
wheel".. looking for good times!
Meanwhile, here are a few Japan Video Links fer ya
Sigh, I've been back
for a month and not found the time post here WTF's up with
that. Here I sit now thinking "Ok update the Video
Link Japan section or write my little Bro an e-mail".
Being a problem solver on the fly I decide to write both..
here. So, since coming back we ran a pretty cool Mobile
Monday event with Microsoft and Double Click, and
Stella of course, making presentations. I also spent 3
days out at Tokyo Big Site for the Wireless
Japan trade-show.. did I mention getting set-up on
Brightcoves Flash video trial?!?. We also helped organize
the annual NetTokyo
event again and raised about $8,000 for charity. Also
making arrangements for yet another study-tour coming to
Tokyo 3rd week of August and we'll do another MoMo
event then plus provide logistics and private
Otherwise, I spent a few hours learning that it takes
more than just a few hours to learn Flash (grrr) but have
figured-out how to get what I need out of it and we are
working like idiots now in the slow season to update a few
of the main company
properties. That's all can say for now.
I have a pretty decent collection of pix on my
cameraphone but no time to Photoshop them for this post.
However at least I have managed to collect a few groovy
links from the last while and will pass them along
instead. I have not been to FG
since who knows when so was cool to see they've update the
site theme.. Sweet. Found this classic Evil Pongi video [.mov]
there, if you're interested in "Japanese Women
Seeking Foreign Men" it's a howler. It's just
slightly more bizarre than these crop
circles and alot more entertaining (imho) than ANN.
However if you're looking for some certified Whack
Japanese video (try searching with English words Here)
then this GEL
TV site should give a nice liittle dose of our typical
cable offerings. To round-out this little adventure I
thought these LED
artshows were whicked and if you have a softspot for
kitties (or know someone who does) then there must be a
photo here
that floats the boat. Maybe this remote control plane
video [.wmv]
is the best way to sign-off.. 8-)
Back in the saddle here
again after a great trip back to Kona.. posted a few
photos but have been pretty much swamped with playing
catch-up. It was really good just to defrag a bit and get
a little sand, surf and sunshine. Aside from those predictable
observations was surprised the U.S. Customs didn't take
my photo and fingerprints, like they did to everyone else
on our JAL flight, guess that means they already have them
shared from the ever graceful Canadian govt.!?! Also,
we could
not believe how much their property values have risen since
we visited in 2001.. basically doubled and doubled again..
the more we save the more (and more) it costs.. <sigh>
I have a quick Japan video news update here
on Gyao IPTV
and given how things are shaping up out there in the web
streaming world.. I should have many more clipped for next
time.. meanwhile back into the miso mines! btw: Not Japan related but pretty cool -
Spin DJ is a God
As usual I've been
running around Tokyo on the Cattle
Car trying to keep up with various projects. We're
headed into rainy season here which could best be
described as somewhat better than what's coming next..
Yessiree kids it will be Natsu Batte time again
here before you know it. That would be a perfect excuse to
get away for a few days and count our blessings. Holy
Snickies.. where did that 5
years go already?!?
Looking around the mainstream web is finally catching
up to my mindset of 2001 with so many web video stories
and services out there and video-link
seems to have become the go-to term of choice. I have tons
of content in the can but never seem to find the time to
edit and always seem too busy with running the company to
slack-off and have some fun. Considering some of the
things going on here lately it looks possible that I could
get a better set-up in the home office to do a little VJ
action - ala AskaNinja
- looking forward to toying with something 'like' that.
I have a few cool links collected along the way.. can
you believe that this Puppies
vs. Cat has almost 1 million views!?! I mean it's cute
but that's insane. Of course I know you're actually
looking for Japan video so here are a couple more cool
magic trinks from Cyril
who can put the cream
in your coffee and can always find a free
burger. I'm really liking his ketai card-trick as well. Otherwise, you
might dig this Wi-Fi TV channel or maybe
you'd prefer to
read the LostBlogs of Christ and Jim Morrison (etc.) to
pass the time on (my favorite pick) your all day long CubeBreak.
Looking back over the
last few weeks I'm not sure where to start, guess that my
flashback bingo contest win for tickets to Tokyo Disney
would be a simple example of highlights that leap to mind.
We were at a nijikai after Mike & Hiromi's
beautiful wedding reception in Yokohama, great food and
wonderful people. As mentioned below the lasted Mobikyo
project finally made it out the door and we are growing
pretty well in the first couple of weeks,
is basically an automated RSS feed system pulling articles
from about 2 dozen contracted contributors dedicated to
covering the business of mobile on a global scale. Many
thanks to all involved to get the ball rolling. I spent
the better part of a week in total on the road to Helsinki
(via Denmark) for the Mobile Monday Global Summit and
already posted my
review (w/pix) of that on the MoMo Tokyo
Otherwise, just getting back into the swing of things
here.. plenty piled up while I was away and we're looking
down the barrel of yet another long hot and humid summer
season. I've been collecting 1,000
yen notes and with any luck I just might get enough to
(not) do some serious
Check-out the new
site for streaming updates.. 8-)
Jerry Garcia said it
best; "what a long strange trip it's been". I'm
at a total loss to make up anymore lame excuses as to why
it's taken over a month to find a few spare minutes for
doing an update here.. but I could give it a shot just for
kicks anyway.. 8-) Aside from my typical tasks of
keeping up on (ideally ahead of) Mobikyo
projects with Mobile
Monday, Wireless
Watch and Mobile
Intelligence we have been building on a new offering
that will launch soon that I am really excited about. It
has been a real hands-on learning experience for me, in
many ways, and I look forward to see how it develops over
the next year.
On the personal side.. not taking much time for food,
shower and sleep these days. I managed to shoot some nice
pix of the mrs. Ohina
Sama dolls and we did sneak out to the Odawara
castle for a cool Hanami
and great pasta dinner too. Otherwise, I've been messing
with WordPress
a bit on the
site and getting ready for a quick trip
to Helsinki in May. Meanwhile, just pounding keys and
riding trains here in the shadows of Mt.
Fuji requires a
certain amount of Oha
Please be patient if you're waiting for me to reply to e-mail..
Where to begin.. it's
been a hell bent for bento rush here.. but all
things considered everything is zooming all quite nicely
thank-you very much for asking! We finally took down this
hand-made Okazari
just in time for Setsubun
the other day an out with the bad luck and in with the
good luck bean throwing party to welcome spring and held
our MoMo
Shinnenkai on the 30th, it was packed with good folks
from the Tokyo mobile community. Otherwise, I've generally
been Mr.
Good-Smoker.. but that's a long story. BTW: did I
mention the Fugu
Sake? nevermind, it didn't kill me.. 8-)
Meanwhile, here's a few cool Japan video's for everyone
collected over the last little while. If you've never
visited Japan, this
video will give you an idea of what it's like here. Kintaro
Walks Japan looked interesting if you have an hour to
kill.. speaking of killing time, the George
& Eiko Show has an extensive collection for the
less sleep deprived and to round out the Google video
thriple-header here's an awesome custom manga DJ mix and
match clip titled The
Star Trek Bohemian Rhapsody Spoof. If all that's not
enough here's a bizarre
one via ODK and MTV Japan.. Yikes! Finally this IPTV
channel for those of you who just can't get enough.
Quick post to Launch
2006.. I have a very strong feeling that we will be
running like
Aismo this year so gonna have to pull some kind of VooDoo
Magic to keep it all together. We had a super holiday
season with a couple of private
parties and super Bonen-kai with the MoonShots,
plus our usual trip to *Hakone Shrine*
[.wmv 56k
where I managed to draw yet another good-luck fortune
envelope for the year.. whew! I know I've said it a dozen
times.. but really do have to move this site to a
WordPress style cms in order to keep-up with all the
other tasks on tap ahead.. Yikes! Meanwhile, thought I would past
a Japan Video link-list below for your pleasure. BTW: if
you're looking for this sparkley FOMA
handset.. it was last seen - sitting quietly by itself
- on a bench at Harajuku station.
Falls for the Ol' Toyota Bait & Switch Scam [Win.
Media 300kb]
This Documentary On Japanese Sushi
was popular [Embedded Flash]
Not Japan but still Great Real Life Redneck
Surfing [Embedded Flash]
Canada Tourism Promo clip - Who's
Your Nanny [Win. Media 300kb]
Hakone Shrine Videos* from 2002 &
[Win. Media 200k]
Last but not least.. and
better late than never the
Santa Claus animation game e-card. After the 'Now Loading'
and opening flash sequence, you will be prompted with a
Big Red Button. Click to play and then use your mouse to
move Santa so that he bounces the falling stars into the xmas tree.
Hey.. Santa Claus is
coming to town so thought I would use that classic
soundtrack for this year-end 'special holiday video
program' on Wireless Watch. If you didn't get the season
shopping done yet I know where you could have bought a
great Santa Suit for your sweetheart but pretty sure that
this was the last one - hoping my honey will like it as
much as I do!
Guessing everyone a blast at this Christmas Party last
night with plenty of Cream Soda to go around by the looks of
it. One of the (many) things I love about being in Japan
at this time of year is Real Mandarin oranges, we have
bags full fresh from my father-in-laws garden so swing by
here anytime for a tasty treat, they make for a
refreshing bath too!!! It's been a busy year here and
we're really looking forward to taking some time to catch
our breath & get ready for next year.. Seasons Greetings everyone!
Another whicked week on
the run here.. seems the silly season is officially upon
us now without a doubt.. and I have bonenkai's
almost every night next week as well.. Wooo-Hooo! Now I
can drown my
sorrow in the news that, as they say easy
come - easy go, $20 Billion in my Blogshares cash
was wiped-out
in the blink of a click. The upside? as a Featured
Member of Tokyo's Entrepreneur Assoc. I will get it
all back (in yen to boot) over the next few years.. at
least according to my diabolical plan..!!!
I just love/hate the
multi-browser web sometimes.. I mean 'damn' you do
something kinda
cool and it looks just fine in IE but then pukes in
FireFox. <Sigh>, no time to mess more with my vblog
feed today. We did manage to get our Mobikyo press
release section all fluffed out with the public news
from last 6 months or so and I came across this pretty
bizarre Magic Trick shot in Roppongi as well. Note: If
you're using FireFox it apparently doesn't know or just
doesn't care about video files that end with .wmv Go
Figure. So Right-Click/Save Link, IE folks just click
& enjoy! [Win.Media
Whew, that was a pretty wild ride - where to begin? hmm.. scrub that, let's
just say that it's great to be back! As you might have
noticed we were knocked off-line for about a week (long
story) and have now finally settled into a new hosting
home. Most of our content made the transition and with any
luck at all I will finally get a real cms running here
sometime soon so that updating should be less painful and
therefore more frequent.. I know.. said that before..
you'll see! Meanwhile here's a couple of quick pix from
the old and new Japan and
- vblogs galore 8-)
Ok.. I know it's been way
too long between updates when the "where are
you" type e-mail from folks wondering if I'm dead,
starts to pile-up. We've launched three new web properties
in the last 30 days; Mobikyo
is the new company corporate site - Mobile
Intelligence for in-bound executive guided tours and Mobile
Monday Tokyo for our local networking events.. so I
have been going full blast getting things in some kind of
order here. Otherwise, the Mrs. and I just celebrated our
4th wedding
anniversary - Whew - time flies when you're going Wako
on the Ginza.. It made me think about how lucky I was to
find her and while hard to sum up simply.. this much is
true. She has the uncanny skill of squeezing tooth-paste
out of the tube 5 more times after I've given up on it, and can
always find room in the suitcase to pack a few extra
things I'd have forgotten left behind. In So Many
Ways.. she gets more out of life and puts more into it on
any given day!! xoxox
Damn it sucks somehow not
having the time to keep up with the personal fun &
games here on this site. I had been going full tilt boogie
coming up to Golden Week and Kodomo
Matsuri (Boys
Day) then we got a little break taking 4 day tour up
to finally see Nikko
Shrine. Just posted a few
pix here [not suitable for 56k] & shot about
40mins of raw video to edit.. someday. Then got back to
the drivers seat here with 300 e-mail and more days on the
road, never get a chance to just write.. ahhh.. Who set
this pace..?!?
Meanwhile came across a couple of interesting Japan
video sites to post here at least: This cell
phone camera blogger using cool Flash lay-out and Duogate
TV has a live streaming channel that seems pretty
funky too!!
(ok not really), Tigers
(who like happy music) and Bears..
Yikes! These are a few of the cam-phone pics piling up on
my memory stick from recent adventures. We ran another guided tour
through Tokyo last week and, as always, had fun
while learning alot more about the business of mobile
in Japan. Also was a great MobileMonday
event at Zest
with almost 200 folks coming out, and YES the new K.K
paperwork cleared all hurdles so now we're a legal Inc.
entity..!! So bring on the Super
h2o 'cause we're gonna need all the Jesus
Juice we can get to hit the next level.. Is it just me
or does Jesus look just like Michael Jackson all of a
sudden.. Oh
Happy 50 Pappy..
Wish I was there to help give ya the bumps
So it was my graduation
day in Japan here last week.. I finally got my own
official (and totally custom) Hanko personal
Registered with city hall and now I'm ready to stamp
everything in sight..!!! Actually, had a 90min. lecture
from Oji-san about how important that is to keep
under lock & key and only use for the most important
contracts I'd ever sign, like getting a mortage or
registering our first born baby, he basically said that I
should consider it like my passport - birth certificate -
the Visa Gold err ATM card (and a handgun registered in my
name) all rolled in to one.. and yet even more important
than that..!! You would think that since I have arrived
now that maybe it's time to stop eating at greasy spoon
cafe's like this
one. The place might have made for another good clip
to have included with my collection for VideoBloggersWeek,
I'm a bit behind on keeping up.. +_+
Speaking of babies, here's a chip
off the old block..!! [1.4mb .mpg movie]
Plenty going on behind
the scenes here web boy & girls.. starting with a
holiday (for the salari-man at least) Monday this week,
great time to kick-back and smell the hibiscus. The big news
that I can share with you is that Odakyu-sen commuters are
about to start riding a
new chariot too and from work everyday and if they are
really good little workers maybe they will even get a
great little treat
like this after Sunday dinner. In other
not so top secret news, I decided to make a Video-Link
Japan collection TV channel style page, for [win.
media] & [Real] so it will auto-play about a dozen of the clips
on the left nav bar one after another.. pretty sweet I
thought. Even announced that to the video bloggers group
with a brief introduction as well.. however it seems they
are a little more interested in talking about Sony's new
PSP?!? What that has to do w/video blogging is beyond
me, I understand somewhat since shooting it back in
Sept. last year at the Tokyo game
show.. it is a very cool
little unit. Please don't ask me to send you one from here
though since I've already done that once and will not go
through whole process again.. btw: hope you're enjoying
the personal shopper favor?!? Otherwise, what I will tell
you is that over the next month or so there will be some
'real news' about the various projects that we've been
working on here so pls. do stay tuned..!!
If what they say "No
rest for the Whicked" is true, then I must have been
Attila the Hun in a past life. So, it's great every once
in awhile to get away and visit a peaceful place in the
mountains. Every year, sometime after the seasons rush my
wife and I visit Shimo Sha which is not far from
home by car. I did manage to take some decent pix on the
digi-cam. this time and got the most lucky fortune charm
for my next business year, starting April. So.. guess
maybe I could have sprung the 100yen to get a nice foot
massage from this custom DIY
vending machine at the tram station on the way back..
but saved the cash for beer instead. This
page has 7 images on it so might take a 'moment' for 56k
folks to enjoy it. Ganbatte..!!!
The in-laws must have
wondered why I was laughing quietly to myself over pancake
breakfast this weekend and then had to get a shot of this
engrish on their milk carton with my camera
phone. How to explain?
I had the most unreal
nightmare and just had to share that with you, I
was looking for a file on my 120GB storage hdd and with
shock and horror saw that ALL folders (& all files
therein) had been re-named to something weird like old_banana
or green_sun etc. So, for something like 50,000+ files in
2,500 folders, ALL with some strange title that made no sense to
me at all. Yikes.. do ya think maybe it's a sign that I should unplug for a
few days?!?
Meanwhile, I also came across a couple new cool video links to pass
along Awakening of Conciousness via:
ODK is great
animation short feature and I found this direct link
for JAL TV
[for win. media with broadband]. Enjoy!
Another quick & dirty
post here this morning.. came across 2 photos from a
recent walkabout in Shibuya killing time before a meeting
and thought should get 'em posted online finally. This first
one makes me wonder about how used to sex in
advertising for 'kids' games we've become in Japan.. a
manga style cross-over maybe? This other
shot is for my little bro. whois the ultimate neon
freak (btw: Hey Dude.. check your e-mail sometime!!)
Another quick Sunday
night update here fresh back from my hell ride in a 'Tokyo
Taxi'..!!! I realized that there are a few photo's
kicking around that should get finally posted,
and want to send out public congrats to Jay & Mo on
the recent stork delivery.. and belated but no less equal
best wishes to Freedom & Aya-chan on their little
bundle of joy! Meanwhile here's a great photoshop
special of me via, and I figured some folks
out there might get a kick out of this
Tokyo inspired story from Joel at Gizmodo
I'm quite sure you all
missed me over the last few weeks.. it's been a long
strange trip here through the big old wild web I'd say.
Started to migrate all of my digital world collection from
2 old towers into the new screaming gear that was
collecting and had got assembled.. with modest success
until one motherboard & CPU combo decided they don't
get along.. flashing the schoolgirls Bios did not help
either. So I was (am still) somewhat stuck in hardware
hell. However, for now I will have to make do with what
Otherwise, finally got my brand-spanking-new 3G phone
and am in serious lust with that these days, the 2
mega-pix camera is pretty damn sweet and I'm going to be
making use of it (and the full English menu too)
As a shooter, the first frame on any new camera is always
somewhat of a ritual with me and so decided to take this
shot of the garden warrior that was the subject of my
first photo in Japan on the trusty old Nikon.
An interesting little note in my digital video blog
adventures here lately revolves around Yahoo's new Video
Search project. I joined the rss-media group and messed
around with some .xml code to make a video feed that seems
to work Ok
here. But I doubt it would pass their cryptic
enclosures spec. in that present form. Gosh at some point
I really should get a decent cms 'ware set-up, maybe (grrrr)
after I figure out this P4 brain
There sure is something mystic about the Hakone Shrine,
I've gone there every new years that I've been in Japan. They have this huge sign
posted announcing activities planned for their upcoming 1,250th anniversary, wow talk
about history..!!! My lucky charm for 2005, Daikokuten-sama,
was the best one yet.. so now I'm pretty stoked for the year. Otherwise the game is pretty
much the same.. plenty on my plate and not much time to blog. I have a few tricks up my
sleeve here tho. and look forward to seeing how they'll turn-out. Meanwhile, a few pix
from the nearly retired cam-phone (yes, it's time to trade-up), you gotta love a pigeon with a sense of
humor and another whacky product shot that didn't make it off the shelf and into some
honey's stocking this year..? Finally here's a quick video clip from the Olympus
of Kin-Sake
Gold Tastes Good..!! [WinMedia - DSL]
Well, that's a wrap for the Monkey Year.. while it's not easy to sum up for gainers
over losers, but overall it was pretty decent. Notice now that I only posted 5 original
video clips here, meanwhile pumped out just over 60 for all my other combined projects!!!
Now it's the usual year-end Oosoji rush to literally do the 'Big Clean' on every
single thing, and finish off the year just like it started, drinking amasake at
Hakone Shrine [.wmv 56k 300k]. One of the surprise highlights
from 2004 has to be our new addition to the family: Na-chan.. who saw
snow for the first
time today - she's truly a little monkey girl, just like her Mom. To All: Akemashte Omedetou
In the imortal words of Bill & Ted.. "We're Not Worthy"..!!! A funny
thing happened while going through the http referers file for WWJ the other day, I noticed a
incoming request for 'Video of Japan' and wondered how we ranked for those keywords.. when I
checked out Google and Yahoo they both showed Video-Link Japan in top spot out of 20 Million
hits..!!! Sweet.
Meanwhile I have a few odd tidbits to offer here; including a very weird TechTv story about how Tokyo's concrete must be harder than anywhere
else in the world, happy.women at Excite's video
index page - and they call it puppy-love
- finally this Japan
webcams page link's pretty cool too.
It's always fun to see Tokyo again through fresh eyes, and being a guide for incoming
groups tends to give me a recharge on the weird, wonder and whacky feeling that most
people have when they come to Tokyo for the first time. We made about 20 meetings over the
week and checked out some cool technology, had a few late nites and
over-all did our very best to make the clients trip fun and worthwhile. Markcus and Mike..
I finally spent a little time today on the video I shot back in September at the Tobacco
Matsuri captured and edited and posted. Like Jamie said here
it's always a challenge to keep this video blog
updated, with all our other priorities, I can relate. When we finally do refresh, makes it
all worthwhile.
Back in the saddle after a whirlwind trip to the homeland, how nice of them to lay-out
a nice white
blanket - and the odd red carpet - for our arrival. Some quality visit time with family
& friends, swung by to see the old digs, put together parts for a new speedy video capture
machine and we talked to the animals. The hilite would have to be our Halloween party
down at the studio.. it was really a blast to see all the great costumes and
play a little Rock
& Roll with
the n2o crew. Another
Tokyo Tour week is coming up here now and maybe one more shaping up for end of Nov. too.
Five out of the last six weeks on the road, I'm gonna need
another vacation..!!!
The last 2 weeks have flown by, we ran another mobile guided tour here with a great
bunch of folks and I've been out to Chiba for the Tokyo Game Show, CEATEC
and WPC Expo trade-show
events as well. Plenty of other bits happening and I still gotta get packed yet for our
flight in the morning. Meanwhile there's a new video clip up I just slapped together for the boyz doing Tokyo
Exposed exhibit in Omote-Sando.. was really cool to see that run on wall-sized LCD screens
on their opening nite.. and I grabbed a new little digi-cam
that takes pretty sweet
pix.. wish I had it all along..!!
All this shooting, networking, meeting, planning, proposing and invoicing makes Jack a
dull boy. The upside of course is that after one of the hottest summers on record in
Tokyo, today is the official first day of fall.. and it is pleasantly 'cool' here in the
jungle. With so many things on my plate over the next couple weeks I thought it might be a
good the only time to update with a few snaps from the tired old cam-phone. I saw
my next phone tho. yesterday
at Vodafone's presser..!!
We were on a oba-san bus tour out to Nagoya recently and got a nice shot of this Budda statue from
Tibet, and I finally managed to pull some of the other images from our recent Pure Fun shopping adventures
in Akihabara, followed by a nice dinner cooked by a man with a very tall hat, guess he would
really have to watch-out
walking around in the rain. Meanwhile, I've been trying to find one of these cool Disco Jackets that we keep
seeing on the streets at night.. any suggestions..?!?
What a wild weekend..!!! I was on the run for 3 full days with a visiting media group
from Austria, while exhausting, it was a total blast.. and I don't just mean because of
the typhoon #16 blowing through. We ate an awesome teppanyaki dinner
in Roppongi on Friday nite, had another great meal on Saturday on the 41st floor in Shiodome and then
finished off the tour with dinner
& drinks
back in Shibuya. I even managed to shoot a few frames using my trusty old Nikon
FA and love the difference in quality compared to my tired old camera-phone. So I
posted a couple 'low-res' shots Here, Here and Here. Wish I had a chance to squeeze some frames at the Harajuku Matsuri too though..
next year I'm there for sure. Over-all they seemed to enjoy the trip & it was a real
pleasure to meet everyone... Thanks again for everything Markus... 8-)
Now it's back to the grind playing catch-up on all the e-mail I missed and get ready
for another busy 'net season, best batten down the hatches..!!!
Finally got some digital house cleaning here in the last while. Noticed that several of
the link swaps that I had established with other Japan blogs are no longer active,
thinking that it's way past overdue to get a Movable Type blogware up and running here.. a
total refit is in order.
Also dumped all the photos that have been piling up on my camera-phone SD Memory card,
so heres a few random shots from days gone by. Now I have a whole bunch of room on that to
fill up again. Its gonna to be a challenge to come up with a photo essay here for them..
but here goes.
It was a tough choice to decide which bike I'd rather ride
out to Odiaba and take a photo of this weird space-craft that landed
near the harbour. The rumor going around this Shinagawa Hanami was if
you brought those illegal aliens 10
litres of sake they would'nt release these Hitachi monsters in your
backyard. It might have been better to give them a super-can and some shaved ice snacks instead,
good thing I picked up a dictionaly
here not long ago to study speaking their language..!!
Well.. I lost about 5kgs of bodily fluids over the last little while, and its not from
lack of time and effort (let alone $$) spent at various beer gardens. So in this drained
state of mind I can only offer a few interesting links to other peoples stuff that you
might like. From traditional art of Japanese tattos and the zen buddists habit of keeping small trees as house pets, to a
pretty decent page about video game arcades, just for you bro.
For those who insist that there must be some 'cool video' here, this is a great clip from local
tv game show of playing Rock - Scissors - Paper. If you want to practice Janken
on-line then here's the place to go.
My special thanks to Rob and Jamie for digging up those
classic links..!!!
Here I was gonna complain about the "damn
its been so freakin hot" Japan summer weather - I don't care if you don't care -
then e-mails start coming from family and friends in Alberta that made me think twice
about whining too much. It seems they just had a once in 1,000 year (as if your keeping
track) rain and golf ball size hail storm extravaganza; its a good
thing these folks were
wearing shorts.. although it is July.. you never know when you'll have to swim for your
life..!! Brr.. I miss Canadian Summers.
Hey - long time no post - Wazzup up with that..?!? Yes, the Mrs. and I had a great trip
up into Kiyosato country and we have been playing catch-up ever since. The Old Age Inn was perfect
get-away and their food was truly 5 Star calibre. We did manage to go on this Plum Picking and Jam making
adventure as well.. our group of 12 people managed to haul over 120 Kgs of Ume & the
nice farmer family gave all gathered the full inside story on their secret recipe. It included a tasty
soba lunch with lots of Sake for the boyz.. and some for the jam. Before I knew it they
were finishing up with a fresh batch
that we got - along with 10Kgs of plums - to take home...!!!
'What a long strange trip it's been'.. like crawling through broken glass we finally
managed to get a real credit card shopping cart up and running on the Wireless Watch
website, and whaddya know.. people are using it..!! Its been about a year now since
Scuka-Sensei packed out of Japan for a new life in Germany and soon will be 1 year since
we launched that PHP-Nuke site on a paid subscription basis. Life here since then here has
been like a roller-coaster and while I've really got a (better) handle on getting around
town, I still miss the big lug. Otherwise, I have been hard at work here on the machine,
and looking forward to a little get-away with the Mrs. for our 3rd anniversary (& her
birthday) thats coming up in June. She takes such good care of me.. check-out this bento
box lunch 'Canadian
Also, thought folks would get a kick out of this cool video at MediaTinker of Tracey making
Ume Shu. Good job Kristen..!!!
I had the greatest idea the other day - "Telepathic E-mail" - Say you
were stuck in the john or taking 5 for dinner and realize 'oh, I should remember to send
so-and-so a note..' Jeez, imagine how much more efficient the IT world could be..!!!
If only someone else had thought of it sooner, and got to work making it so, then I'd be
right up to date (you know who you are) with all the folks I should be writing now instead
of typing about it here..!!!
Since I have blinding insight to the future of e-mail, it seemed worthy to consider
just what to do about spam. Well, how about maps..!!! In effect a nifty
little software patch which could trace a route right back to the actual senders terminal
and blast them 100x the bulk crap they sent you..?!?!!
What does this all have to do with Japan anyway you might ask.. hmmm, nothing I guess..
except maybe theres some kind of weird chemical in the sushi (or sake) that gives you
super-natural idea powers. Then what does all this have to do with Video.. Damn.. here I
am creating solutions to the global crisis in digital communication and you want even
Ok, try this bizzare news video clip (Win.
Media: 200k) via: F*cked Gaijin
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